Download PDF BookThe Natural Moral History of the Indies

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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1880 edition. Excerpt: ...paine in the feete and handes. Finally, their operation is outward. But that of the Indies, whereof I speake (without molesting of foote or hand, or any outward parte), troubles all the entrailes within: and that which is more admirable, when the sunne is hote, which maketh mee imagine that the griefe wee feele comes from the qualitie of the aire which wee breathe. Therefore, that is most subtile and delicate, whose colde is not so sensible as piercing. All this ridge of mountains is for the most part desart, without any villages or habitations for men, so as you shall scarce finde any small cotages to lodge such as do passe by night. There are no beasts, good or bad, but some vicunas, which are their countrey muttons, and have a strange and wonderful property, as I shall shew in his place.1 The grasse is often burnt, and all blacke with the aire, and this desart runnes five and twenty or thirty leagues overthwart, and in length above five hundred leagues. There are other desarts or places not inhabited, which at Peru they call Punas2 (speaking of the second poynt we promised), where the quallitie of the ayre cutteth off mans life without feeling. In former time the Spaniardes went from Peru to the realme of Chille by this mountaine, but at this day they do passe commonly by sea, and sometimes alongst the side of it. And though that way bo laborious and troublesome, yet is there not so great daunger as by the mountaine, where there are plaines, on the which many men have 1 Lib. iv, cap. xli. a Punas are the lofty plateaux of the Andes. INTENSE COLD ON THE PUNAS. 133 perished and died, and sometimes have scaped by great happe, whereof some have remained lame. There runs a small breath, which is not very strong nor violent, but proceedes in... America Acknowledges God - The Foundation For Moral Law America Acknowledges God. Every week in America Acknowledges God the Foundation for Moral Law highlights examples throughout the nations history in which ... A People's History Of The United States A Note and a disclaimer. The Note: This great book should really be read by everyone. It is difficult to describe why it so great because it both teaches and inspires. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Divorce (In Moral Theology) Divorce (in Moral Theology) Help support New Advent and get the full contents of this website as an instant download. Includes the Catholic Encyclopedia Church ... Dutch East Indies - Wikipedia Map of the Dutch East Indies showing its territorial expansion from 1800 to its fullest extent prior to Japanese occupation in 1942. Moral Aspect of Divine Law - Encyclopedia Volume ... It was otherwise with the moral precepts of the Mosaic Law. The Master expressly taught that the observance of these inasmuch as they are prescribed by nature ... Moral Theology - Encyclopedia Volume - Catholic ... Moral theology is a branch of theology the science of God and Divine things. The distinction between natural and supernatural theology rests on a solid foundation ... Bartolom de las Casas - Wikipedia The Right Reverend Friar Bartolom de las Casas O.P. Bishop of Chiapas: Province: Tuxtla Gutirrez: See: Chiapas: Installed: 13 March 1544: Term ended: 11 ... (1857) Frederick Douglass If There Is No Struggle There ... On August 3 1857 Frederick Douglass delivered a West India Emancipation speech at Canandaigua New York on the twenty-third anniversary of the event. Most of ... Course index - University of the West Indies JavaScript is not available or enabled in your browser thus the selector above will not work. The links below may be used instead: ACCT 1002 Intro. to Financial ... The History of Hypnosis The history of hypnosis is full of contradictions. On the one hand a history of hypnosis is a bit like a history of breathing. Like breathing hypnosis is an ...
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